Survey of ICTs for Education in India and South Asia, Extended Summary

Published By: The Survey on Information and Communication Techno | Published Date: January, 01 , 2010

The Survey on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Education in India and South Asia was commissioned by infoDev to be undertaken by PricewaterhouseCoopers, India. The Survey is a third in the series after similar surveys for the African and Caribbean regions completed in 2008 and 2009. The main objective of the Survey is to create a consolidated source of information on the experiences of using ICTs for Education in the South Asian region, as a baseline for future work, and to provide a framework of reference for policy-makers. The survey report is in five volumes, the first Volume is an extended summary which captures the main findings of the survey. Volume II is a series of Country Reports profiling the policy environment and major initiatives using ICTs for education for each of the eight South Asian countries – India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, with a more detailed focus on India. Volume III is a set of Case Studies for India and Pakistan. For India the case studies include detailed studies of ICT initiatives in the education space in five states. For Pakistan the role of ICTs in Open and Distance Education and Teacher Education has been profiled as two case studies. Volume IV is a series of thematic papers that address key issues across the focus countries in an attempt to provide a horizontal, comparative view of the subject in the eight focus countries, with an emphasis on India. The fifth volume captures the details of the survey process including the research methodology, list of interviewees, details of meetings held.

Author(s): The Survey on Information and Communication Techno ICT | Posted on: Jan 28, 2016 | Views()

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