Social Progress Index 2016

Published By: Social Progress Imperative | Published Date: January, 01 , 2016

Economic growth has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty and improved the lives of many more over the last half-century. Yet it is increasingly evident that a model of development based solely on economic progress is incomplete. Economic growth alone is not enough. A society which fails to address basic human needs, equip citizens to improve their quality of life, protect the environment, and provide opportunity for its citizens is not succeeding. We must widen our understanding of the success of societies beyond economic outcomes. Inclusive growth requires achieving both economic and social progress. The Social Progress Index aims to meet this pressing need through a robust and holistic measurement framework for social and environmental performance that can be used by leaders in government, business, and civil society to benchmark success and accelerate progress. The Social Progress Index is the first comprehensive framework for measuring social progress that is independent of GDP, but complementary to it. Our vision is a world in which social progress sits alongside GDP as a core benchmark for national performance. The Index provides a systematic, empirical foundation to guide strategy for inclusive growth. It was first implemented at the national level in 2014, and has been enhanced each year and expanded to regions, cities, and individual communities.

Author(s): Social Progress Imperative | Posted on: Nov 29, 2016 | Views()

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