Reforms in Indian Agro-processing and Agriculture Sectors in the Context of Unilateral and Multilateral Trade Agreements

Published By: IGIDR on eSS | Published Date: December, 20 , 2006

In this paper, the potential impacts of trade and investment-related policy reforms on India’s agro-processing sector is explored. The direct effects of policy reforms within the processing sector, and the indirect effects on agro-processing of policy reforms in the primary agriculture sector, in the Indian economy as a whole, and in a multilateral framework are explored. Towards this, 22-sector, 16-region version of the GTAP computable general equilibrium (CGE), global model for our analysis is developed. [WP-2006-011]. URL: [].

Author(s): A. Ganesh-Kumar, Manoj Panda, Mary E Burfisher | Posted on: Aug 22, 2011 | Views(1078) | Download (137)

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