Guest Editorial: Why Do We Do the Science We Do?

Published By: Current Science | Published Date: August, 25 , 2015

So what does it mean to be working in Pasteur’s quadrant (use-inspired research)? First, it means that the science and research we do is aimed towards an ultimate use. This has to be ac- knowledged. Use must be a primary motivation for theresearch we do. Second, there is much information that is not available; therefore, such information has to be developed. In the process, we have to stray from the goal of immediate use, but return to it as the developed know- ledge advances our science. Third, this means we have to go where the needs are – not just do what interests us to fulfil our curiosity.

Author(s): A. P. Ravishankara | Posted on: Sep 07, 2015 | Views() | Download (233)

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