HIV/AIDS Epidemic in India: An Economic Perspective

Published By: Indian Journal of Medical Research | Published Date: April, 01 , 2005

In thinking about the implications of HIV/AIDS, considerable attention was initially drawn to its clinical aspects. More recently, other dimensions of HIV, including economic, have been explored. The primary objective of this review is to elaborate on the major elements of the national and international economic research to data on HIV/AIDS, and to infer lessons from it, for India. It also examines the evidence on the aggregate and household-level economic impacts of HIV, the economic roots that drive its transmission and the methods economists use to assess the efficacy of alternative interventions to address HIV and AIDS. Available evidence suggests that whereas aggregate impacts may be limited, the adverse household-level economic implications of AIDS may be serious; public resources that are available for health are also likely to be put under strain. Paucity of economic research on HIV and AIDS relating to India is highlighted.

Author(s): Bhargavi Rao, Ajay Mahal | Posted on: Dec 01, 2015 | Views()

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