Reviving the Local Dialect in Qatar: An Issue of Linguistic Concern or Identity Politics?

Published By: Arab Center For Research & Policy Studies | Published Date: May, 27 , 2013

Historically, Qataris have strived for autonomy and independence, and have always sought to define themselves apart from others. This has dictated a specifically defined identity in which language stands at the core of identity formation. In the process of constructing a national identity, Qataris realized that a revival of the Arabic language, following a decline in its use, needed to stress the use of Nabati, a local Qatari dialect that is closely linked to Qatar's historical identity, and the tribal structure that preceded state formation.This paper seeks to trace the different methods of revival and their successes, as well as identify earlier indicators of a language in crisis that are linked to an increased use of English and its long- and short-term impacts on the national language. When analyzing the progression of the language's revival and the different changes that took place, especially how they influenced Qatar's society, the following questions are key: how did the dominance of the English language impact the culture, local society, and its members? What was the role of educational and professional institutions in this context? How do individuals define themselves when a language crisis occurs, and how are they defined by others within, or outside, their society? How does language impact the power structure and the structure of local society? Finally, what will change when revitalization takes place?

Author(s): Hessa Al-Attiyah | Posted on: Feb 01, 2016 | Views() | Download (485)

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