Participation in practice

Published By: UN-Habitat | Published Date: January, 01 , 2016

This lecture outlines the impact of participation on practice, in particular how it can expand the scope and nature of practice in order to add strategic value to practical work. NabeelHamdi introduces the issues of equity and efficiency and their convergence in participatory work, and articulates the value of participation in building community and in human development.NabeelHamdi qualified at the Architectural Association in London in 1968. He worked for the Greater London Council between 1969 and 1978, where his award winning housing projects established his reputation in participatory design and planning. From 1981 – 1990 he was Associate Professor of Housing at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he was later awarded a Ford International Career Development Professorship. In 1997 Nabeel won the U.N. – Habitat Scroll of Honour for his work on Community Action Planning. He has consulted on participatory action planning and upgrading of slums in cities to all major international development agencies and to charities and NGO’s worldwide. He is the author of Housing without Houses (IT Publications 1995) Small Change (Earthscan 2004) The Placemakers Guide to Building Community (Earthscan 2011) and co-author of Action Planning for Cities (John Wiley and Sons 1997).

Author(s): Nabeel Hamdi | Posted on: Feb 19, 2016 | Views()
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