
Population, Health and Environment

There is a need for discussion, based on scientific evidence, on the linkages between population, health, and the environment. In this regard, it is important to promote an exchange of knowledge and ideas from multiple perspectives. Therefore, the focus of this book is to examine these complex issues in detail, and to identify areas for further research and action. From a multidisciplinary perspective, this book highlights the issues relating to the environment and the link with fertility, health, and family planning. This edited book, consisting of selected papers from a national seminar, highlights the need for an interdisciplinary approach to address these complex issues. This publication also emphasizes the urgency for further research and deeper investigation into the connection between population and environment in low-resources situations. This book will be a useful reference material, not only for social scientists, but also for those who are interested in population, health, and development in general.

Publisher: Rawat | Author(s): Sayeed Unisa, T. V. Sekher, Chander Shekhar, Abhishek Singh, L. K. Dwivedi | Posted on: January, 01 , 2016

Review(s) for Population, Health and Environment :

Study of Environment can lead to Human Development

Reveiw of ‘Population, Health and Environment’ Edited by Sayeed Unisa, T.V. Sekher, Chander Shekhar, Abhishek Singh, L.K.Dwivedi and M.R. Pradhan by Rawat Pubslishers.