eSSays > Humanities
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The Humanities of Crisis: Climate Change and the Discipline
From scientific upheavals in the Early Modern to world wars in the twentieth century, Humanities has responded to the crisis and also reinvented itself in terms of methodologies and fields of inquiry....
Category: Humanities
by Pramod K. Nayar | On 14 Nov 2021
The New Biosociality
The term ‘biosociality’ was coined in 1996 to describe social identities and sociality founded on genomic diagnosis, but may be extended to include social relationships based on a sharing of knowledge...
Category: Humanities
by Pramod K. Nayar | On 01 Apr 2016
How the Humanities Can Protect India Against the Attacks on Its Freedoms
Humanities departments in public universities are under attack across the country for their potential to spawn dissent. We need them to take the fight to the powers that be. [Transcript of a talk pres...
Category: Humanities
by Brinda Bose | On 04 Sep 2015
Rise of the ‘Posthumanities’: Exit, the Human…Pursued by a Cyborg
The Humanities in the 21st century has to contend with both critique and context. It has to account as an anthropocentric, imperial discipline that not only privileged the human over other forms of...
Category: Humanities
by Pramod K. Nayar | On 25 Mar 2009